Campus doctorate

What is a campus doctorate?

One Campus doctorate is a very targeted Promotion campaignthat is tailored to students and other interested parties. Such an event is held on a university or college campus.

What distinguishes a university doctorate?

Such a campus promotion is characterized by the conceptual development and implementation of marketing and promotion concepts as well as various forms of advertising. The promotions are usually offered specifically for students or interested pupils so that they can obtain the best possible information on campus. Promotions of this kind are organized by promoters from a promotion agency that employed in a short-term employment relationship are realized.

What campus activities are there?

There are many different companies that want to draw attention to themselves. For example, it is possible for employers in particular to apply to a uniPromotion who would like to employ university graduates after their studies. There may also be university promotion campaigns from health insurance companies that want to attract students or aim to help them lead a healthy lifestyle.

However, there are also campus events and project days organized by teachers and students together with organizations and associations, which interested parties are welcome to attend and find out more.

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