Consumer Promotion

What is a consumer promotion?

Under the designation Consumer Promotion is the term used to describe all sales promotion measures that companies take to reach consumers. Consumer Promotion is classified as marketing and is regarded as a consumer-oriented promotion.

What are the goals of consumer promotion?

The main aim of consumer promotion is to increase sales figures for the products and services advertised by companies. There are other goals that can be achieved with a consumer-oriented Promotion campaign are to be achieved. These include:

  • Making contact with potential customers
  • Reviving old customer contacts
  • Increase awareness of products and services
  • Positive change in attitude towards a particular product
  • Turn occasional customers into regular customers

Various ways and means are used to achieve these goals. Among other things, trade fairs are a good way to become even better known. However, in-store promotions are also a good way to get in touch with customers.

Are product and service-related promotions at trade fair stands interesting for B2C?

If there are product and service-related promotions, the product and its features take top priority. Consumers are given the opportunity to test a product or at least watch it. At trade fairs and Point of sale this is an excellent option. Employed promoters demonstrate products and encourage consumers to try them out. For example, new products can be presented and publicized very well.

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