Trade fair

What is a trade fair?

Trade fairs are temporary events with a specific focus. It is a marketingEventwhich takes place once, but often returns at regular intervals.

What are the objectives of trade fairs?

The main objective of the Trade fair lies in the sale of products and services. At the events, manufacturers, service providers and sellers have the opportunity to present their company and new products. Companies would like to:

  • Acquire new customers
  • Refresh old customer contacts
  • Increase awareness of the company
  • ensure a lively exchange of information

During the days of the fair, the promoters and hosts/hostesses are there to provide support. the marketing of the manufacturers with their actions.

How important are trade fairs in Germany?

Germany is taking on a pioneering role when it comes to trade fairs with an international focus. Five of the ten largest trade fair companies come from Germany. The country is a leading global location for various exhibitions and events. Consider that 160 to 180 national and international trade fairs are held every year. Around 10 million visitors flock to the various events every year to obtain information or order products. For exhibitors and trade fair organizers, trade fairs have become indispensable.

Which trade fairs are well-known and popular?

There are a number of events that have become firmly established and are popular with visitors. These include the Frankfurt Book Fair, the International Consumer Electronics Fair and the IAA (A brief review of the IAA 2018 in Hanover).

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