Sales Folder

What is a sales folder?

With a Sales Folder or sales folder is a functional and attractively designed written document that can also be described as an information carrier. A sales folder is interesting and important both for the promoter or retailer and for the customer.

What is the purpose of a sales folder?

During a personal meeting with the promoPersonnel a sales folder is used. The document is intended to introduce potential customers to a topic or product. Such a brochure serves to support sales, so to speak. Once the conversation has been concluded, the Sales Folder mostly in the hands of customers.

What does a sales folder contain?

Sales folders are filled with important information about a product or service. They also usually contain further information, including conditions, discounts and promotions.

What does a good sales folder look like?

Sales brochures and flyers are important tools for various companies. Such a sales tool should not be boring. Two points are particularly important:

  • A sales folder must be functional.
  • It should appear visually interesting and appealing.

A good structure is just as important as interesting pictures. After all, the information sheet should help the salesperson or promoter to present the product. A sales folder is also often used at trade fairs and other events. Promoters who are employed on a short-term basisThis enables them to access helpful information from the brochure and bring products closer to interested parties.

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