Trade fair, event or conference? Why is standby planning so important?

Stand-by planning: prevention is better than cure.


TRUST Promotion always advises event clients to prophylactically overbook the important factor of trade fair personnel in order to reduce risks. Qualified Personnel with experience, hard-working and motivated, is interested in a trendy Trade fair- and venue are difficult to find at short notice.

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Trade fair, event or conference: Why is stand-by planning so important?

EventTrade fair, event - Careful preparation ensures success! For you as an exhibitor, promoter or organizer, trade fair days are among the most stressful days of the business year. In addition to technology, stand construction, event design and content, one key aspect is often neglected: the human factor. At business events and trade fair appearances, the visitors' gut feeling decides whether the event is a top or a flop. The expectations of a smooth process and excellent, hospitable service are correspondingly high.

Speaking of which: Have you thought about booking stand-by exhibition assistants, hosts/hostesses?

In addition to the visual appearance of the event, visitors and guests react positively to social stimuli, an open welcome and friendly interaction. Visitors and customers want to be looked after. Smart trade fair operators, exhibitors, organizers and event managers take this to heart, not least when booking trade fair assistants, stand support, hosts, hostesses, service staff and promoters carefully and with foresight.

Stand-by planning: "The clever man builds ahead!" (William Tell)

This principle applies in particular to all those who are responsible for trade fairs, major events or a conference. If it only becomes apparent during the last tour that the "host and hostess" booking contingent is too small, the supervising promotion company canAgency can often still remedy the situation. It plans for a surplus of booked trade fair staff at an early stage in order to be able to react quickly in the interests of the customer in the event of acute staff shortages. A reliable empirical value is a rate of 5 % to 10 % lost staffing for major events; in times of rampant influenza viruses, this can climb even higher.

Staff absence shortly before the event? As a rule - no problem.

Organizers and clients are always well advised to book stand-by staff in order to minimize the risk of an open position. In the event of an emergency, the agency can quickly call on replacements from the existing pool of employees. However, one risk remains: at peak times, even the agency's own pool of employees may be exhausted. In addition, staff booked at short notice are not as well briefed as stand-by hosts/essesAnother problem is that the outfits provided do not fit perfectly. It therefore makes a lot of sense to opt for stand-by promoters at the planning and booking stage.

The early booking of standby personnel cushions any shortfalls in trade fair support

There are many reasons for staff absence at short notice: sudden illness, accident, family emergency or other serious impediments and many more. In the event of a complete "no-show", contractual penalties are provided for - no one is likely to fail to fulfill their duties for a trivial reason. It is true that the employees of reputable agencies are not Casting were included in the database - but people have weaknesses - and the reasons why participation was not possible range from dog bites to rail strikes.

What does stand-by personnel actually mean in the literal sense?

You know it from standby flights - where you are on the current waiting list and only get to fly when a seat becomes available at short notice. In terms of personnel planning, there are now two scenarios:

  1. The stand-by hostesses appear on site briefed like the rest of the staff. If required and deployed, they are dressed and integrated into the team or - if there are no absences, they receive their stand-by flat rate and a day off. Your advantage as an organizer: A good feeling - right from the start.
  2. The alternative: the stand-by hostesses are called if they are unavailable - the stand-by flat rate is lower, but the event is understaffed at the beginning.

Organizers can also "overshoot the mark!"

Smooth cooperation with the booked trade fair staff is, like everything in life, determined by a sense of proportion and goodwill on both sides. Organizers should therefore ensure from the outset that they do not expect or demand any services from hostesses, promoters or trade fair assistants that could overstep the mark: Clothing that is too thin in icy winter air, for example, is a no-go, as are sexist innuendos or depictions that go beyond the scope of the agreed trade fair presentation. A relationship based on partnership between civilized, intelligent people ensures the optimum success of the event - and avoids any last-minute cancellations by trade fair hosts and hostesses, who will defend themselves against inappropriate and unreasonable expectations on the part of the client.

90 percent of host and hostess assignments are carried out by students

A classic Second jobwhich can be easily combined with studies and training and where open-minded, intelligent people with skills in dealing with a wide variety of people find satisfaction. Standby Personnel is remunerated with a stand-by flat rate of between EUR 25 and EUR 40, depending on the purpose and design of the assignment. If they are deployed within the standby obligation, they receive remuneration based on the number of hours and the hourly fee agreed in advance.

What can TRUST Promotion do for you as an organizer?

Trust Promotion conceives, realizes and accompanies events, PromotionWe provide excellent personnel support in the areas of trade fair assistance, reception and stand personnel, service staff, promoters, hosts and hostesses with sustainable personnel expertise and reliable personnel placement. Read more about this in our upcoming blog entry.