Product promotion

What is product promotion?

The term Promotion comes from the Latin word "promovere", which means "to promote". Through the measures of a Product promotion is intended to promote the sale of a particular item.

What is the aim of the product promotion?

Visitors and guests who do not know a product will naturally not buy it. A manufacturer or company does not make any sales due to unfamiliarity. Product promotion should be helpful here and increase the advertiser's profits. Thanks to promotional campaigns, products and services are made known and marketed. The following things are important when marketing a single product:

  • Promotion must be more specific
  • Emphasize advantages and unique selling points

When promoting a product, visitors and guests need to be told what the product is good for and why it stands out from other items. If a product promotion is implemented well, people will remember the item presented. The memory has an emotional and positive effect, which also strengthens customer loyalty and encourages purchases.

How does a product promo work?

Companies that want to present products should consider and plan such a campaign carefully. Above all, the Target group must first be defined. Among other things, the following questions should be answered in this context:

  • For which group of people is the product helpful?
  • What interests does the target group have?
  • In which age group is the target group?
  • What is the income of the potential target persons?
  • Is the Target group more online or on the road?

Effective marketing strategies can only be developed and implemented once the potential customer base has been narrowed down. The Product promotion must always take place where potential customers are. This can be at trade fairs, events and other functions. However, on-site promotions should also be combined with online marketing measures. In order to optimize a product promotion, it is advisable to commission a promotion agency. The specialists have the know-how to develop appropriate Staff such as hostesses/hosts and promoters in short-term employment and make a significant contribution to success through the appropriate measures.

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