Target group

What is a target group?

With a Target group In the area of sales promotion, this refers to a selected group of people who are to be addressed by a specific marketing measure.

Who belongs to a target group?

The target group can be so diverse and depends on your own product and brand. Among other things, the target group can include

  • Consumers
  • Retailer
  • Wholesaler
  • Opinion leader

Of course, a marketing measure can also reach other interested people in addition to the specified and desired target groups, which may not have been intended at the outset.

Who determines the target group?

Target groups are examined more closely by market research, among others. The study of specific groups of people has one main objective. Companies want to develop products and services for the intended Target group develop and coordinate.

It is also possible to be interviewed by Promoters who carry out the job as short-term employment. A target group survey by promoters generally only contacts people who match the desired group of a customer. This survey enables the company to collect and hand over the information that is important for the customer.

What is the purpose of a target group?

Determining the right target group is not that easy. However, the purpose is to really only contact the relevant people who might be interested in a particular product or service.

A small example:

Older people will have little interest in marketing measures for the latest games consoles.

In such cases, marketing measures should be aimed at the younger clientele.

After all, promotional campaigns cost money. The measures are intended to raise awareness of products and help increase sales. For this to work, it is important to address the right target group.

With an older Target group a tasting of wine or coffee is much more interesting. This is probably less relevant for a younger customer group.

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