Student job

What is a student job?

If an employment relationship is established between a student employee and an employer, this is an employment contract. Student job. So it is a job that is done by students.

When are students allowed to work?

Students have the opportunity to earn some extra money on a part-time basis both during the semester break and during their studies. Students not only earn money in this way, but also gain some experience in everyday working life.

When does a student job exist?

It depends entirely on the situation when a job is to be classified as a student job. Important points for a student job are

  • Studies are full-time and job is part-time
  • SV contributions are due for a Student job not on
  • Annual working time is limited to a maximum of 3 months or 70 days

We have compiled interesting and important information about the 70-day rule in our article "The extension of the 70-day rule - what students need to know" summarized.

In which areas are there student jobs?

Many companies are happy to receive support from students, especially during the vacation period. People looking for a student job have many different options, so to speak. For example, they could take on administrative tasks, IT tasks and research work as assistants. But also for work in the field of Trade fair and events are always looking for students. Jobs such as promoters, hostesses and hosts are conceivable, as well as Service staff.

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*Valid for bookings in the service period from April 1, 2024 to May 31, 2024 (excluding framework agreements)