
What is an agency?

One Agency is an institution that represents or mediates something or someone. The agency represents the interests and views of organizations or specific individuals. Agencies are also intermediaries of services.

What tasks do agencies take on?

Each agency specializes in a specific area. The tasks vary depending on the specialization. Here specifically on the page it is about a Recruitment agency for Trade fair and events. The tasks of such a Agency includes, among other things, the mediation of:

  • Hostesses and hosts
  • Promoters and promoters
  • service staff

Companies that Personnel simply contact the recruitment agency and inform them of the project with all the important key data. The agency staff then search for suitable personnel for the jobseekers. The personnel are then introduced. Castings are also held to find the right employees for the requesting company.

If there are currently no suitable staff in the employee pool, the agency tries to find new employees. Job advertisements are published and application processes are carried out. Interested people can apply conveniently on the apply for the best jobs as host/hostess, promoter and service staff and start your career.

In addition, the recruitment agency is the point of contact for companies as well as for trade fair and event staff. If there are any disagreements or problems, a good agency will quickly try to find a solution to the complete satisfaction of both sides.

Many agencies not only offer recruitment services. It is often also the case that certain events and trade fairs are organized by the Agency planned and carried out. The necessary equipment is organized, everything is set up and implemented perfectly.

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With the CODE: EURO

*Valid for bookings in the service period from April 1, 2024 to May 31, 2024 (excluding framework agreements)